
Inspire Catholic Journaling Bible GIVEAWAY!

Hi all,

How are you?  I’ve missed you.
I know I know… my blog is so neglected. I really do have a lot to say. I’ve gone through so much in the past few years…. and I decided that if I didn’t have nice things to say, or at least productive things,  I should be quiet. As you can see… the latter is ruling the day.

HOWEVER – I am excited to be here today to tell you about the Inspire Catholic Journal Bible.  You can visit their FaceBook page for a chance to win a Bible. You can join the Catholic Women’s Bible Journal FaceBook Page for two chances to win an Inspire Catholic Journal Bible AND….


Comment #5 – Lindy and Comment #17 – Alicia @ Sweeping up Joy. I will get in touch with you and give you the info.  Congratulations. Now, I will respond to all the comments. Thank you all for commenting.

Many Blessings!

You can follow the instructions below for two chances to win an Inspire Catholic Journal Bible. Sigh – that’s a lot of winning y’all!

But first… a little background.

So, Martha Phillips (aka, my friend, the lady who is beating MS through Miracles and Miracles of Science) and I started a Catholic Women’s Bible Journaling Group in late 2015 – early 2016. Neither of us really get to play as much as we’d like.  But anyway…  For a long time now, several years at least, our Protestant sisters in Christ have had Journal Bibles. Well over a year ago in our group we started contacting Catholic Publishers to see if they would be willing to create a Catholic Bible for Journaling. We did have a group we were hopeful would take it on, but they didn’t.  One day, I started contacting the publishing houses that were putting out the Protestant versions of the Journaling Bibles, asking if they would be willing to create one for Catholics. Many members followed suit.

Then one day, lady named Kimberly joined the Bible Journal Group. She messaged me and asked if I thought folks would like to review the Bible and I gave her a few names. She was from Tyndale. So many of the members were using the Inspire Bible anyway, and they were THRILLED!  She also let the group choose the cover color and asked for input on Verses and Artwork.  And now, we are all so excited to have had a part in the creation of it AND to be users of this Bible.  How exciting is that?

Most of you don’t know that in the middle of all this, I moved to Italy with the hubs for his job. We are literally still unpacking. Can you imagine? But my office is set up (well almost), the Internet does not work so I am using a hotspot… ha But y’all this review is going up and the contest info will be after. Ready…

This is such a beautiful and feminine Bible on the inside and out. The leather is soft and sturdy and the ladies in the group are RAVING about it. Look how pretty the edging of the pages is? I mean – gorgeous.

This second picture is the page I chose to color today. Yes today. The reading in the Magnificat this morning was Hebrews 4:12-13. I used Derwent Inktense Pencils which are the best watercolor pencils, in my humble opinion. As you can see below, there is VERY little color on the page. With Inktense Pencils you really have to lay down very little.
Can you see the tip of the watercolor brush pen I used? It’s TINY. Check out the set HERE (not affiliate link). I take it apart and dip it into the barrel of the pen because I have more control of the water and coloring that way.

These are the Derwent Inktense Pencils.
This is the page after coloring.  To me the beauty of these pre-printed pictures is that you can, when you are pressed for time, you know… like when you are trying to settle into a new country… you can doodle and enjoy the Bible Journaling but you don’t have to conceptualize, find the stamps, stickers, etc… you can just color it. And it is awesome. I highlighted the verses with a green Gel Highlighter. Perfect for Bible Journaling.

In short, I love the book. I wish the artwork were more Catholic in Nature. We have a lot of symbols and artwork that I would LOVE to see used in a Journaling Bible. HOWEVER, I have absolutely no complaint. I love it.  There are MANY reviews out there. One of note is by Jenny at the Littlest Way. You can check it out HERE! I feel like hers is an honest review because she is not affiliated (to my knowledge) with either publishing company.

And now, how can you win an Inspire Catholic Journal Bible?  Just follow these instructions:

Leave a comment here about what it would mean to you. NOTE:  if you win, you have to have a U.S. Address. FPO/APO are good, but you have to have a U.S. Address. This is a rule from the Publisher.

You have until Thursday, November 1st to Enter. Feel free to share with friends.  I hope you read and liked the review.

Hugs & Blessings ALL! And Good luck!


47 thoughts on “Inspire Catholic Journaling Bible GIVEAWAY!

  1. Focusing more on my faith this year has been a goal of mine. In return, I've received so much healing. I'm an insomniac and suffer from anxiety. But since focusing on faith, I've been doing a lot better. Bible journaling gives me the chance to be creative and dig into the word at the same time.


  2. I would love to win this bible and give it as a gift for my daughter. She loves the Lord, and she loves to be creative.(&her favorite color is pink) She is preparing for her Confirmation in June and this would be so great to give to her. This is such a beautiful bible.


  3. I would love to win this bible because I'm battling breast cancer and it would be great to read and color as I'm going through treatment.


  4. It is so much easier to “do religion” in our Home School when I sit and study as well. A beautiful bible to look forward to would sure help on those days when it would be tempting to pass on studying.


  5. Good to see your blog is up and running again. Thank,you Very excited at the chance of winning his beautiful Bible. Finally a Catholic Journaling Bible. Bless you for your persistence in getting this for all of us. I am trying to read the Bible daily,And being able to journal on these beautiful pages will inspire me more. Ah, just had a flash…INSPIRE me more and INSPIRE is its name. God incident. Thank you for the opportunity.


  6. First of all I want to thank you all for your time. I'm new to bible journaling and I'm so happy for finally getting started thanks to all the great ideas I received from everyone here. I have fibromyalgia and the pain sometimes is unbearable. Bible journaling has helped on the days I'm not able to get out of bed. It keeps me focused on my bible and the great scripture that is in front of me. I am a Catechist and I'm always talking to my kids about how bible journaling has helped me, and I know it can help them. You know before I started bible journaling I would just sleep on my bad days. I know this is the bible I need, unfortunately I'm not able to buy it because financially I don't have the money I'm not able to work at this point in time. Even if I dont win, I pray someone who is like me or even worse off then I am does win. Again thank you all for your time and great ideas. God bless you all


  7. I would LOVE this. I have just recently found bible journaling and I realize it helps me so so much. It would help me to really focus.


  8. I probably won't win, but I wanted to comment anyway. It definitely is hard to be catholic in a secular world, and also since many of my friends are protestant. I've had bible journals that were not catholic, because they were cute, fun, and enjoyable! I really would enjoy a catholic journal because I want to grow in my faith, and this seems like a great way to do it!


  9. Thank you for taking the initiative in convincing publishers that we deserve our Bible too! I have the original Inspire Bible, but really wish I had to Catholic version. I love being able to reflect on my faith in a way that is different, and the illustrations make it easy. Thanks again!


  10. I think that this bible would meke it easier to dig into the word on a daily basis. I love the idea of bible art journaling, but am not really artistic. Being able to color in pre-drawn art would be lovely.


  11. Although I am in my 70's, I agreed to take on the secretary position at our Church. I have only been there for about a year but have learned so much about our faith that I didn't know before and this Bible is just what I have been looking for to look things up, jot down my thoughts andquestions, etc. I have been talking to the other ladies in our Church about starting a Bible study group and we have agreed to get started in January. This Bible looks perfect for that! Thank you for finally coming up with a Catholic Journaling Bible!


  12. I am new to bible journaling. I’ve been having trouble finding inspiration. I have recently had to move 5000 miles away from family and friends including my amazing husband and it has been a test of my faith. I think the Inspire bible would help me share my faith with my 5 year old daughter. Because it has illustrations we could work on pages together as she lives to color. Having a way to strengthen our faith together would be an amazing gift. Inspiring her faith has become a priority for me as we are apart from her dear daddy. Coloring together and reading to her from the passages then sharing our creations with him over the internet would help strengthen our bond across the distance.


  13. Thank you so much in tackling this endeavor and a big thank you to Tyndale for accepting the challenge.I have found that reading and journaling in my bible is the absolute best way to keep me grounded. Unfortunately, I am not as creative-minded as I would prefer, but I think having something already started as a sort of template would be super beneficial. I look forward to the opportunity to own one of these bibles.


  14. I would love to have this Bible. I struggle with my faith daily. I love being creative and having this Bible would give me a creative outlet while growing deeper in my faith! Thank you for all you do!


  15. I would love to win this bible because although I have followed your Bible Journaling page for a while I am scared to get started in my current bible. I love that there are pictures already there to help me get started. I have really enjoyed coloring the sample pages we have been doing and would love to continue. Thank you for the review and your dedication to these give always!


  16. I recently began looking for a Journaling Bible. I am getting married right after Thanksgiving this year and would like to start our Family Bible by having our wedding guests highlight their favorite verse and write their name by it. My husband-to-be and I can read and meditate on these highlighted verses during our first year of marriage. It will give us a great starting point for the journaling that I hope will continue long into our future together.


  17. I still love my catholic youth bible as Alicia mentioned lol �� but I had numerous catholic friends on the hunt for a journaling bible to no avail … I gave up and bought an Inspire bible ( which I love ❤️ And use daily ) since then I have found this version coming out and I have shared the “good news” of its arrival far and wide ������ I would love to have this bible in my collection so I can journal in all the books of this glorious bible !!! I love love love the rose gold ❤️ Plus when I pass, each of my girls could have a bible I journaled in as a remembrance ��


  18. I’m going through some issues right now and trying to reconnect to my faith and Church. The journaling Bible can help by providing a creative way to become reacquainted with the Bible.


  19. I would besides blessed to own this Bible. I enjoy watching all you creative folks but am not able to purchase a Bible for myself. I lost my job over a year ago due to my moms medical issues and now care for her full time. Thanks for the opportunity!


  20. I would love to have this Bible. I struggle with my faith daily. I love being creative and having this Bible would give me a creative outlet while growing deeper in my faith! Thank you for all you do!


  21. I would love to use this with my 9 year old. Recently she's asked to join me in my daily scripture and devotional study. I'm so excited to share this special time with her. At times I am stuck in bed because of pain and twice a day I hear her coming with books and markers in hand. A blessing during this health struggle.


  22. Just started bible journaling and coloring devotional pages. It's really helping my anxiety and I enjoy it so much. My husband loves that I'm doing it too! Can't wait to see this new pretty pink bible.


  23. I love to doodle. I also like to journal. It would be wonderful if I could do this in my Bible instead of scattered here there and everywhere. I am currently using the stay connected journals. I'm looking forward to the new Bible. 🙂


  24. How wonderful to have another opportunity to win this beautiful bible and to have found a blog written by a Catholic woman. I am looking forward to reading more of your blog posts.


  25. Thank you so much for this opportunity! You were brave to contact the publisher and ask them to make a Catholic Bible Journal! I wish I had thought of that lol!! Enjoy your new experiences with your husband living in Italy. It will be fun and exciting! God Bless you all!


  26. First of all I want to thank you all for your time.I'm new to bible journaling and I'm so happy for finally getting started thanks to all the great ideas I received from everyone here. I have fibromyalgia and the pain sometimes is unbearable. Bible journaling has helped me on the days I'm not able to get out of bed. It keeps me focused on my bible and the great scripture that is in front of me. I am a Catechist and I'm always talking to my kids about how bible journaling has helped me, and I know it can help them. You know before I started bible journaling I would just sleep on my bad days. I know this is the bible I need, unfortunately I'm not able to buy it because financially I don't have the money I'm not able to work at this point in time. Even if I dont win, I pray someone who is like me or even worse off then I am does win. Again thank you all for your time and great ideas. God bless you all


  27. I would love to win the journaling Bible especially one that holds our tradition. I use my regular Bible for journaling but I know this one will go to someone that is really in need and that's what I'm praying for.


  28. This is such a blessing. I am so happy that you are inspiring us in our faith! I hope that having more catholic journaling bibles available will encourage us to learn and be more involved in our faith. Thank you for your blog!


  29. Hello! My name is Darla Lynn and I live in a suburb of Detroit, MI. I am soon to be 61 and have unhappily acquired many health issues through this past year. I have always loved drawing and painting but arthritis and macular degeneration have slowed my progress. I would so love to experience my faith through an Inspired Catholic Bible! I have been gathering materials but am just saving up the money to purchase the Bible! It would be so awsome to express myself again! Thank you so much for having this giveaway!


  30. Thank you for another chance to win a Catholic Journaling Bible!! I love all of the inspiration and ideas! I recently (re) started on my spiritual journey and Bible journaling is going to help me stay focused on earning Scripture! If wanting to stay home on Friday night and journal in my Bible is wrong, I don’t wanna be right! ❤️Can’t wait to get started!!


  31. I’m a new baptized Catholic. Since young, I enjoyed journaling and scrapbooking. I used this method to study when I was young too. As I’m a person who cannot study with words alone… gotta beauty and bring the book to live. This way, I get to understand better… Unfortunately, it is hard to find a beautiful bible journal in my country. I guess it is not so popular here in Singapore. It would be great to be Inspired by this bible journal! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! May the good Lord Bless You! 🙏🏻


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